About Me

Some people call themselves an investor, some people call themselves a trader, but I call myself a TradeVestor.

Hi guys! My name is Nelson and I am living in a small but wonderful country – Singapore. I believe you are here because you want to see yourself to be able to attain a desired lifestyle that you want, accumulate wealth and to retire with financial security. And my job here is not only to educate you on that, but walk this walk together with you. Currently, I am in my 20s and is still studying. I may be young, but I believe even young people can bring huge impact in the society and turn the world we lived in into a better place. Do not despise your youth, time is our main essence in building wealth!

Why do I want to achieve wealth?

My dream is to be a philanthropist. I want to be someone that can bring a positive impact to the society and to help the people that are less fortunate. But sadly, the most effective way to do that is through money. I realized, with money, I am able to contribute so much more like building schools in rural countries, providing food to the poor and medication to the sick.

But of course, I am no Mother Teresa. I do want to see myself living a desired lifestyle, to travel around the world and to give my parents a good retirement life.

What is this blog about?

First of all, this is not a how to get quick money or how to earn one millionaire dollar in 3 weeks kind of blog. But if you are thinking of that, then I am afraid this is not the place you are looking for. Basically, this blog is about personal finance and financial knowledge. The main purpose of this blog is to record down my journey towards financial freedom and accumulating wealth (mainly through investments). I hope one day if I were to achieve that, this blog can help those that wish to achieve the same or even do better than me. But of course, even right now I am still far from that dream, you can still read my blog and journey together with me towards financial freedom.

What am I going to blog?

Other than recording down my journey towards wealth, this blog is going to flood you with lots of financial knowledge and very much in Singapore context. Financial knowledge is one of the most important skills in life but it is very much underrated. In schools, we are never taught how to build wealth, the importance of multiple income streams, power of passive income, investments and breaking free from the rat race.

I bet you must be thinking how can a guy in his early 20s and haven’t achieve anything yet (let me emphasize the YET,) educate me on personal finance. But that’s just too bad, I can’t do anything about my age and you can’t do anything about my passion. However, maybe to comfort you a little, most of the things I blog about personal finance and investments are from experiences and what I’ve learnt from books and the internet. And also, from the inevitable opinions of mine.

This blog will include subjects on:

Personal Finance – This is about money and debt management, tips on saving money, taking up loans and insurance matter. Almost everything about your finance is covered here.

Investment – Learn how to invest your money correctly, I will share information that I learnt from experiences, books, seminars and the experts. I will cover things like technical analysis, fundamental analysis, stocks, real estates, ETFs, commodities and forex.

Success Stories – You will learn the attitude and mindsets of successful people and prepare yourselves to become like them. Listen from the people that have done it and get inspired by them.

Ideas and thoughts – Many times, ideas and thoughts keep running my mind. Some of them I feel are quite valuable to post them on the blog. This way, I can turn my ideas and thoughts into concrete words. And I believe you can benefit from it!   
My Personal Journey – I will post updates on my stocks transaction every month if possible.


The information displayed here may not be suitable for your financial needs or goals and is intended for general information only. The TradeVestor will not be held liable for any loss caused by or arising through any inaccuracies or incomplete information shown on these pages. Selling, re-distributing or reproducing the information on these pages without prior permission from The TradeVestor is strictly prohibited.